Get to know
the teams
our mission

Organisation chart: Who's who?

IGLYO Members shape the organisation and have the final say on significant strategic moves. They elect the Executive Board, vote on work plans and budgets, and approve changes to our foundational documents.

The priorities of the Members inform the work of the Secretariat. Both the Board and Secretariat are supported on defined topics by the Governance Team.
And to help us achieve our mission in a truly fair and inclusive way, our team collaborates with several paid Working Groups on specific issues.

Visual displaying IGLYO's Organisation Chart

 Meet  the teams!

Executive Board

The Executive Board provides governance leadership to IGLYO. It consists of 6 to 9 LGBTQI young people between 18-30 at the time of their election who are nominated by Members and mandated for a term of three years by the General Assembly to oversee the governance and strategy of the organisation. They represent the views of the Membership in between General Assemblies.

Aida Marukyan
Board Member
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Aida Marukyan
Board Member

Aida is a feminist-activist with seven years of experience in non-profit. She is currently advocating LBQ womxn’s* rights using grassroots community-based approaches focused on gender mainstreaming, art-activism, well-being, and self-care. She is a team member of the Armenian LBQ womxn’s* organisation Queer Sista Platform, and a co-founder of the young womxn’s* feminist initiative Girls Talk.

Aida believes in the power of a feminist approach in tackling discrimination and gender-based violence. She is also a photography lover, a sketchbooks collector, and owns her own podcast “Loqsh” (from Armenian: “boredom”) on daily, seemingly meaningless life events and feelings.

Any questions? Email Aida!

Miha Satler
Board Member (Co-Chair)
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Miha Satler
Board Member (Co-Chair)

Miha has been actively involved for years with local LGBTQI communities, mainly working on projects that are based on cultural and artistic expressions, health and advocacy, and community awareness. The main focus of his work is on culture, advocacy, and projects that help and enhance building safe and open community spaces for LGBTQI people.

Miha's experiences are diverse due to his involvement with other NGO working in advocacy, as well as with cultural programmes which focus on creating different cultural platforms and projects for the wider community. Miha strongly believes that this is one of the most important pillars of creating a new and empowering society.

Any question? Email Miha!

João Lopes
Board Member (Co-Chair)
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João Lopes
Board Member (Co-Chair)

João is a Portuguese activist from Porto. João started doing non-profit youth work in 2014, working in core projects and events, and over time moving towards an HR leadership role at an international student association. In IGLYO, João is part of the membership engagement working group, and mainly contributes to HR-related board tasks.

In addition to IGLYO, João is a Board Member of rede ex aequo, a Portuguese LGBTI youth org, and is responsible for the educational project and local LGBTQ chapters. João also oversees the development of the two ultraperipheral regions of Madeira and Açores, along doing institutional rep. work.

Any question? Email João !

Spyros Boviatsis
Board Member
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Spyros Boviatsis
Board Member

Spyros is a queer social scientist with a great passion for human rights. His work centres on gender and sexuality, displaced populations, childhood and youth, and education. He previously worked for Colour Youth – Athens LGBTQ Youth Community as a Project Manager, focusing on safe inclusive school environments as well as the access of LGBTQI+ people in Greek public services and health services. He has also worked with refugees, coordinating and delivering soft skills trainings, and currently works in the field of DEI. In his free time, Spyros loves reading books and studying academic theory.

Any questions? Email Spyros!

Ophélie Masson
Board Member
France / Belgium
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Ophélie Masson
Board Member
France / Belgium

Ophélie is a French activist based in Brussels. She identifies as pansexual and was nominated by the French organisation Bi’cause. She works as a project coordinator to promote active political participation in Europe and beyond, and is involved in various networks promoting democracy values and civic engagement, including the participation of youth in politics. She is also an active volunteer at GRiS (Groupe d'Intervention Scolaire), where she gives LGBTQI+ rights workshops based on personal testimony in schools across Belgium.

As she grew up in the countryside, Ophélie wishes to bring more visibility to the youth LGBTQI+ community in rural areas, and in general she aims at creating stronger connections between the community and other overarching topics such as youth rights, citizenship and the rule of law.

Any questions? Email Ophélie!

Ósk Maríudóttir
Board Member
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Ósk Maríudóttir
Board Member

Ósk is an Icelandic activist, peer educator, feminist and event facilitator. She has been at the forefront of several major NGOs in Iceland, and specialises as an international networking officer. Since her teen years, she has been an active volunteer in Icelandic society and organised various campaigns, protests, and fundraisers for students, queer youth, and asylum seekers.

Ósk identifies as a pansexual cis woman and is the President of the Queer Icelandic Student Association. Ósk’s favorite pastimes are working out, reading, embroidering, swimming, and dismantling the patriarchy.

Any questions? Email Ósk!

Taj Donville-Outerbridge
Board Member (Treasurer)
United Kingdom/Bermuda
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Taj Donville-Outerbridge
Board Member (Treasurer)
United Kingdom/Bermuda

Taj is a proud Black, queer, non-binary multi-award winning activist and writer, championing LGBTQI+ rights, mental health, and anti-racism locally and globally. They hold a BSc in Global Health & Social Medicine from King’s College London. They were nominated to the board by the UK’s National Union of Students, where they served as the immediate past LGBTQI+ Officer.

Hailing from Bermuda, Taj co-founded Bermuda’s first LGBTQI+ youth group and Bermuda Pride. They also serve on Bermuda's National Youth Council and as the youngest Non-Executive Director of OUTBermuda, Bermuda’s only LGBTQ+ charity. Taj is currently pursuing a dual master’s in public administration and global affairs at the LSE and the University of Toronto.

Any questions? Email Taj!

Yasemin Bahar
Board Member
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Yasemin Bahar
Board Member

Yasemin has over a decade of commitment to LGBTI+ advocacy. They are the co-founder of Inter Solidarity Turkey, a self-led intersex initiative. They currently work as a research and advocacy consultant with LGBTI+ and SRHR organisations across Europe.

Yasemin enjoys questioning normative beliefs, systems, and institutions through co-learning. They are currently focusing on dating practices and nonmonogamy, neurodivergence, disability justice, transformative justice, decolonisation, community care, and animal rights. When they are not focused on advocacy, they are likely resting, taking an online course, winning board games, or eating some delicious vegan food.

Any questions? Email Yasemin!

Yassine Chagh
Board Member & Anti-Racism Panel Coordinator
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Yassine Chagh
Board Member & Anti-Racism Panel Coordinator

Yassine is a multidisciplinary activist focusing on a wide range of matters such as refugees' and migrants' rights, period poverty, sports, inclusive education, peacebuilding, anti-racism, and decolonisation — focusing on white saviourism, white supremacy, and tokenistic approaches — both within the LGBTQIA+ community and beyond. Yassine's expertise is derived from diverse lived experiences as an indigenous, migrant, person of colour/Black individual, as well as engagements with various local and global organisations and platforms such as UNFCYP, UNHCR, WOMEN WIN, Queer Cyprus, and more.

Yassine's favourite activities include sparking thought-provoking conversations, eating popcorn ice cream, and passionately advocating for their favourite animals—chickens and pigeons.

Any questions? Email Yassine!


Based in Brussels, the Secretariat is responsible for implementing the work plan and strategic plan voted on by Members at the General Assembly and carrying out the daily operations of the organisation.

Bella FitzPatrick
Executive Director
Belgium / Ireland
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Bella FitzPatrick
Executive Director
Belgium / Ireland

As our Executive Director since March 2022, Bella is managing the IGLYO Secretariat and overseeing the daily operations of the organisation. Before IGLYO, Bella was the CEO at ShoutOut, an organisation working on LGBTQI equality in schools in Ireland.

Bella’s focus is on youth issues, and she is passionate about the power of education in tackling discrimination. She also loves knitting, and she’s the greatest fan of her dog Mervin, who now became the famous IGLYO office mascot.

Any question? Email Bella!

Rú Ávila Rodríguez
Deputy Executive Director and Policy & Research Manager
Belgium / Spain
They/them (EN) / Elle/le (ES)
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Rú Ávila Rodríguez
Deputy Executive Director and Policy & Research Manager
Belgium / Spain
They/them (EN) / Elle/le (ES)

Rú started their journey with IGLYO in 2016 when they finished their PhD in Critical Social Studies. As Policy & Research Manager, they've expanded our advocacy work in areas such as education, health, and safety. Currently, they also act as our Deputy Executive Director. As such, they work closely with our ED on the strategic oversight of the organisation, and they support on grant management and fund acquisition. They are our contact point towards EU institutions, the Council of Europe, and other international organisations.

Rú began their activism in 2001 at Spanish LGBTQI NGOs. Since then, they've been navigating queer spaces by volunteering, working and marching. They love dancing, laughing, performing, and eating —anything except for being quiet or still for too long.

Any questions? Email Rú!

Ahmed El-Salawy
Policy & Research Officer
Belgium / Germany
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Ahmed El-Salawy
Policy & Research Officer
Belgium / Germany

Ahmed is a passionate human rights lawyer and advocate. He worked with Human Rights Watch, investigating rights violations against LGBTI individuals in the MENA region. Ahmed also played a key role at ILGA World, strengthening LGBTI organizations' engagement with UN human rights mechanisms. With expertise in refugee protection, Ahmed worked with UNHCR and Save the Children, focusing on survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, unaccompanied children, and LGBTIQ refugees.

Outside work, Ahmed finds solace in books exploring philosophy, politics, and spirituality. He is happiest surrounded by loved ones in nature, be it a park, forest, or beach.

Any questions? Email Ahmed!

Amélie Waters
Policy & Research Officer
Belgium / France / UK
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Amélie Waters
Policy & Research Officer
Belgium / France / UK

Amélie joined IGLYO after several years of LGBTQI+ policy, research and advocacy work. She previously focused on LGBTQI+ rights advocacy and engagement with the UN human rights mechanisms through her work with REDRESS and at ILGA World. She also focused on LGBTQI+ refugee protection whilst volunteering with NGOs based in Northern France and whilst working with the KCL Research Migration Group and at the Council of Europe.

Outside of work, you can usually find Amélie outdoors, either hiking, climbing, swimming or running, or attending events and navigating queer and feminist spaces.

Any questions? Email Amélie!

Jeremy Gobin
Communications & Network Manager
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Jeremy Gobin
Communications & Network Manager

A queer activist with LGBTQI youth at heart, Jeremy handles IGLYO's comms in all aspects and oversees the management of network-related tasks. He previously worked as the Comms and Membership Manager of the International network for contemporary performing arts (IETM), and managed the comms of the EU project Perform Europe. Jeremy notably acquired experience working with LGBTQI youth through his four-year volunteering for Le Refuge Bruxelles, a Brussels-based emergency shelter for LGBTQI young people and asylum seekers in need.

Outside of work, Jeremy indulges in creative writing, loves his cats Robert and Odile, and is a big-time video games player.

Any questions? Email Jeremy!

Toryn Glavin
Communications & Network Officer
Belgium / Ireland
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Toryn Glavin
Communications & Network Officer
Belgium / Ireland

Toryn Glavin is a professional trans advocate and activist who has worked in a variety of professional and voluntary roles across the LGBTQI+ sector at both national and European levels over the last decade. She most recently held the role of Operations & Development Manager at Outhouse LGBT Community Centre in her native Dublin, having previously worked for 4 years at Stonewall in the UK as Trans Communities Manager.

Before this she worked for the Transgender Equality Network Ireland, and she previously sat on the board of Transgender Europe from 2016 to 2019 as well as IGLYO’s own board from 2020, until her appointment to this role in late 2023.

Toryn believes fundamentally in the power of inclusion and representation in our movement. Alongside her work for trans communities, she has a personal investment in the liberation of fat, working class, disabled and autistic queer folk.

Any questions? Email Toryn!

Viola Bianchetti
Programmes Manager
Italy / Belgium
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Viola Bianchetti
Programmes Manager
Italy / Belgium

Viola started her journey into LGBTQI+ activism as a volunteer of the European Students' Forum, where she led a working group on combatting discrimination based on gender, gender identity and expression, and sexual orientation, as well as several projects on gender and LGBTQI+ mainstreaming. Her work also focused on youth participation, civic education and youth empowerment.

Viola is passionate about non-formal education and peer-learning. In her free time, she practices circus and acrobatic disciplines, enjoys climbing and hiking, and listens to a lot of random podcasts.

Any questions? Email Viola!

Ali Bodo
Programmes Officer
Italy / Belgium
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Ali Bodo
Programmes Officer
Italy / Belgium

Ali is a queer transfeminist activist and political scientist based in Brussels. They started their journey with IGLYO after finishing a Master in Transnational Queer Feminist Politics in London, and after 4 years working with international NGOs in the Middle East and West Africa. They designed, coordinated and delivered development/humanitarian programmes focusing on LGBTQI+ asylum seekers, refugees and migrants.

Ali is passionate about human rights, decoloniality, intersectionality, mental health and working-class issues. In their free time, they love studying queer theory and queer futurity, navigating queer spaces, being in nature and, last but not least, dismantling the patriarchy.

Any questions? Email Ali!

Lucille Colin de Verdière
Finance & Operations Manager
Belgium / France
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Lucille Colin de Verdière
Finance & Operations Manager
Belgium / France

Lucille came in as admin assistant in March 2021, and quickly started managing the finances and operations. She is responsible for overseeing the finances, the office and supporting the director in HR, legal compliance and organisational development.

When not at work, Lucille loves cycling, climbing, surfing, building projects, she is fund of animals and very much into cooking and eating.

Any questions? Email Lucille!

Administration Officer
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Administration Officer

Maruschka helps grease the wheels of admin at IGLYO — but not only! A big-time Beyoncé fan, she loves to read books and buy them (two separate hobbies). Maruschka can make a really mean peanut butter and chocolate fondant. And last but not least, she has a borderline unhealthy obsession with ice cream, no matter the season, and with the Teen Wolf series.

Any question? Email Maruschka!

Office Cuddler
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Office Cuddler

A long-time LGBTQIA+ ally, Merv is our Executive Director Bella's dog, and now beloved office mascot. Merv is the go-to staff member if you're having a bad day and need some cheering up — especially if there's a treat into the bargain.

Outside of work, Merv loves going for walks and meeting with friends in the dog park — outside of rainy or windy conditions that is. And beware of his charm: He won't hesitate to look at you with his puppy-dog eyes to get a crumb of your meal!

Any questions? Email Merv (just kidding, he's a dog)!

Governance Team

The Governance Team is a volunteer advisory body supporting the Board and the Secretariat on specific issues such as governance, finances, and the General Assembly.

Karoline Börner
Governance Team Member
Germany / Belgium
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Karoline Börner
Governance Team Member
Germany / Belgium

Karo joined IGLYO’s staff team fresh from Berlin in 2015. She was our Finance & Admin person for 4 years, before moving into an HR Management position in one of the leading global Humanitarian organisations. She has now come back to support IGLYO as part of the Governance Team, mostly in questions regarding Belgian rules and regulations.

Karo loves her family (big), her cats (3), and her plants (fluctuating). And the one thing she’ll keep from Covid-19 lockdowns is listening to audio books on long walks. Send her suggestions!

Any questions? Email Karo!

Léa Charlet
Governance Team Member
France / Belgium
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Léa Charlet
Governance Team Member
France / Belgium

Léa Charlet joined IGLYO's Governance Team with a strong background in international membership organisations and team coordination. Recently, she led a team of eight, managing strategic, administrative, HR, and financial responsibilities. Actively involved in European affairs and social movements, Léa has led projects promoting sustainability, gender equality, and youth empowerment. As a multilingual facilitator, she is committed to creating inclusive environments.

Outside of being a political addict, she reads (a lot), watches TV shows (too much), plays the trumpet (not enough according to her teacher), and does improv theater.

Any questions? Email Léa!

Anti-Racism Panel

Building on the legacy of the IGLYO Anti-Racism Task Force (2022-23), the IGLYO Anti-Racism Panel functions as a pivotal paid advisory body within IGLYO, supporting both the Board and the Secretariat on matters related to racial equality and racial justice. Its responsibility encompasses multifaceted aspects, aiming to bridge gaps in IGLYO’s programming, documentation, communications, and advocacy & research initiatives, all with the overarching objective of forging a safer and more equitable future for LGBTQI BIPOC and ethnic minority youth and students across Europe.

Purity Tumukwasibwe
Anti-Racism Panel Member (Advocacy & Research)
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Purity Tumukwasibwe
Anti-Racism Panel Member (Advocacy & Research)

Purity is a trans woman and trans rights activist, social scientist, a board member of Transgender Europe (TGEU) and Rainbow Refugees Sweden, a community-building Specialist at Queerstion Media (a BIPOC queer organisation in Sweden), a model, and an actress. She is the co-founder of Refugee Trans Initiative in Kenya, and a co-founding member of Rainbow Refugees Sweden.

Passionate about advocating for BIPOC trans immigrants in Europe, she also leads a BIPOC trans support group in Sweden funded by Lesbisk makt Sweden. “We deserve better and I believe that it’s a beautiful world if we advocate and win together”, says Purity.

Any questions? Email Purity!

Chougher Maria Doughramajian
Anti-Racism Panel Member (Programmes)
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Chougher Maria Doughramajian
Anti-Racism Panel Member (Programmes)

Chougher was born and raised in Aleppo, Syria and is currently based in Belfast, N. Ireland. She is the president of Voices of Young Refugees in Europe, Vice-President of Voicify and Community Engaged Research & Learning Officer at Queen’s University Belfast. Chougher is an Obama Foundation leader and a committee member at Rainbow Refugees Northern Ireland. She was a member of IGLYO’s inaugural Anti-Racism Task Force in 2022-2023.

Chougher holds graduate and postgraduate qualifications from the American University of Armenia and the University of Toronto in Communications, Human Rights and Genocide Studies. She recently obtained a M.Phil. degree in Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation at Trinity College Dublin, as a recipient of the prestigious Government of Ireland International Education Scholarship.

Chougher is a peacebuilder and an advocate for refugee rights and LGBTQ+ people, working to raise common concerns and strengthen capacities, in order to contribute to more inclusive societies in Europe, the Middle East and beyond.

Any questions? Email Chougher!

Eppnoggia Mutetwa
Anti-Racism Panel Member (Comms & Network)
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Eppnoggia Mutetwa
Anti-Racism Panel Member (Comms & Network)

Eppnoggia is an Intersectional feminist, scholar, published author, poet and human rights and mental health activist. Their work speaks to various social ills, with focus on religion, race, gender, sexual orientation and sometimes politics. Their writings are meant to push people to feel uncomfortable with being conservative and spark conversations on topics that are usually silenced in mainstream media.

Eppnoggia currently serves on the boards of The Fruit Basket and Purple Hand Africa, and works as the Communications Admin Officer for IGLYO Member Youth Work Ireland. Eppnoggia believes academia, media representation and storytelling are essential elements of advocacy.

Any question? Email Eppnoggia!

Yassine Chagh
Board Member & Anti-Racism Panel Coordinator
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Yassine Chagh
Board Member & Anti-Racism Panel Coordinator

Yassine is a multidisciplinary activist focusing on a wide range of matters such as refugees' and migrants' rights, period poverty, sports, inclusive education, peacebuilding, anti-racism, and decolonisation — focusing on white saviourism, white supremacy, and tokenistic approaches — both within the LGBTQIA+ community and beyond. Yassine's expertise is derived from diverse lived experiences as an indigenous, migrant, person of colour/Black individual, as well as engagements with various local and global organisations and platforms such as UNFCYP, UNHCR, WOMEN WIN, Queer Cyprus, and more.

Yassine's favourite activities include sparking thought-provoking conversations, eating popcorn ice cream, and passionately advocating for their favourite animals—chickens and pigeons.

Any questions? Email Yassine!

Advisory Panel for International Collaboration

The Advisory Panel for International Collaboration (APIC) is a paid internal working group of 4 LGBTQI young people ensuring that young people are leading the direction of IGLYO's international activities, such as our International Conferences and Study Sessions.

Darius Gervinskas
Advisory Panel Member
Lithuania / UK
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Darius Gervinskas
Advisory Panel Member
Lithuania / UK

Darius completed her master’s degree in Human Rights at University College London. After graduation, Darius joined Diversity Role Models, a UK-based LGBTQ+ anti-bullying charity. As their Education Officer, she has delivered inclusion workshops to thousands of young people and staff members in London schools and hundreds of professionals in other settings. Currently, they are also a Junior Consultant on Gender Identity, Gender Expression, and Sex Characteristics at ILGA World, and a Research Volunteer at LGBT Foundation.

Darius has also worked as an access worker to learning disabled and/or autistic adults for four years.

Any questions? Connect with Darius on LinkedIn!

Kerem Egilmez
Advisory Panel Member
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Kerem Egilmez
Advisory Panel Member

Kerem is a final-year psychology student with a background in mental health and human rights advocacy, policy consultancy and training sessions on social impact. In his university, he was a bridge between queer solidarity and the psychology society he chaired for a mandate. One of his favourite projects was creating a digital photography collection themed "queer expression", which he defines as "not only a poetry of love and pride but also a story of pain left behind."

Besides his passion for activism, he's also into writing, cinema and music. Basically, everything that makes the world a bit better!

Any questions? Email Kerem!

Tavares Ferreira
Advisory Panel Member
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Tavares Ferreira
Advisory Panel Member

Tavares is a Portuguese activist currently pursuing a master's degree in international studies, with a specific focus on trans rights in Malta. They bring extensive experience as a trainer and facilitator, having worked with various organisations, dedicated to promoting the inclusion of LGBTI young people and fostering youth participation in decision-making processes.

Tavares is also a member of Brave Movement's youth Cohort, dedicated to ending child sexual violence.Their journey in activism began as a volunteer and later evolved into roles as a board member and President of "rede ex aequo," a Portuguese LGBTI youth organisation. During their tenure, they organised training sessions, events, and facilitated intercultural exchanges.They have a hidden secret talent, juggling!

Any questions? Email Tavares!

Jens van der Duim
Advisory Panel Member
The Netherlands
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Jens van der Duim
Advisory Panel Member
The Netherlands

Jens is a trainee at the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture & Sciences, and a happy activist. They work hard to ensure that we always take an intersectional approach to making the world better, and that everyone gets the space to share their perspectives and experiences, and they try to hold the metaphorical door open for all.

Jens is always happy to help others find their way, or claim their rights. They want you to know you're always welcome to reach out to them!

Any questions? Email Jens!

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