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IGLYO Memory Lane: Celebrate 40 Years of IGLYO with Us!

May 15, 2024

Celebrating 40 Years of Queer Youth Voices

Riddle us this: What is in the bloom of youth yet turning 40 this year? We’re super excited to announce our 40 Years of IGLYO, 40 Years Of Queer Youth Voices campaign, a celebration of IGLYO’s history, our movement for queer youth liberation, and the future of our movement.

Over the course of the rest of 2024, as we celebrate the 40 years since our founding in 1984, we will be using the page below to share our history, unreleased materials from our archives, our members' visions of the future, celebrations of the queer youth movement, and more. The campaign will culminate at our IGLYO Annual Members’ Conference Ljubljana 2024, where we’ll host an exhibition of our archives alongside many other celebrations.

In a time when queer people, especially youth, are under attack across the globe, we’re here to remember that we have faced challenges before, we have overcome them and we will again. Our pride, our community will not be erased.

Stay tuned on the page below for new updates and join us in celebrating 40 Years of IGLYO!

Share your best IGLYO Memory on our 40th Anniversary Wall!

Have you been involved with IGLYO at any point over the last 40 years? Wish us a happy birthday by sharing your best IGLYO Memory on our 40th Anniversary Wall below!

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Dive into our IGLYO Memories!

As part of our 40th Anniversary Campaign, we’ll be publishing about IGLYO’s vibrant history in periods of 5 years along with super cool unreleased materials from our IHLIA archives, kept at the IISG | International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam.

IGLYO Memories 1984-1988

The first episode delves into the early days of the network 40 years ago, between 1984 and 1988. Like many organisations IGLYO began, not with some grand plan or strategy, but organically through activists connecting and building relationships and a vision for the future. In the first five years, the organisation built itself around its flagship conferences, which interspersed with protests and crucial statements, laid the foundation of today's IGLYO, from establishing its name to forming its first international steering committee, all the way to adopting the statutes of the organisation. Read the full IGLYO Memory.

Stay tuned on this page — New updates on our history coming soon!

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